The right foot on the downswing

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There was a long discussion [ well not really for this forum but.. ] on the perfect position after impact. Well, my right foot happens to start to go up basically by the time my hands [ not the club ] is halfway down. I also lose spine angle which I get a feeling has something to do with it [ but what do I know?? ]. What are some causes of this and how do I fix them?? It would be really great if I could get some responses. Thanks.
You should check out Brian's recent video on this issue. It really discusses the relevance of the right foot staying planted through impact. Interesting observation in my own game, I was under a tree with 100 yards to the green and needed a low shot to avoid branches. I took a six iron and purposefully used twistaway in my backswing and downswing. The ball took off like a low rocket, perfect impact with an abbreviated swing. Unfortunately it went thirty yards over the green but that was my fault. At the finish, my right foot was fully planted, my hips rotated open, the right foot did not lift. I think if the club opens in the downswing, instinct forces the right hip and foot out and up. If I keep the club square or closed in the downswing, I stay "in" the shot better. You may want to work on twistaway.
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