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Brian Manzella

I will be attending the second "The Golfing Machine" summit, which begins on Sunday with a reception that evening.

I will be rooming with "The Three Wise Men," Bentley J. Doyle, Steve (Four Barrels) Khatib, and our own Michael David Finney.

I will try to record a session or two outside of the official seminars to "put up" here for your viewing enjoyment.

Speakers at the Summit will include Chuck Cook, Martin Hall and Michael Jacobs. There is also presentations by a Physicist and a Sports Psychologist.

Good stuff.

As far as I know, this summit will make me one of only 2 instructors in the world that have done the following:

Attended all the PGA Teaching and Coaching and Summits: Dallas 1988; Nashville 1990; San Francisco 1992; New Orleans 1994; 1996, 1998, 2000; Port St. Lucie 2002, 2004, & 2006.

Attended both Golfing Machine Summits: Birmingham 2004, Orlando 2006

Attended the MIT Summit in 2006 in Cambridge

Your Boy (me), don't mess around. I show up.

There are other teachers who THINK they know as much total golf information as I know, but, really, they don't hit the board.

This takes work! And you have to show up.

Oh, who is the only OTHER teacher to attend all of the above?

That would be Bentley J. Doyle.:D ;) :) !
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