Things I wish I'd know

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Should have said "things I wish I'd known"

I recently started playing golf after a long long break.

I also signed up for lessons for the first time ever.

Lessons have been excellent, I have a routine, I stick to it. There are several things, from here and else where that have contributed to a marked improvement in 4.5 months.

1) Hitting down on the ball with the irons. Compressing the ball, the tour striker, not used frequently but enough to get the feel of striking down.

2) The D plane, open face in to out = draw (face closed relative to path), closed out to in = fade (club face is open relative to path)

3) Track Man - The dogs B***ocks - for identifying really quickly something that feels ok but is clearly not i.e. feels like only swining in to out a couple of degrees but its more than I thought

4) Hitting up on a driver - benefit of lesson, routine and stance

I've not quite cracked it, in fact I've not dropped any shots on my HC (having played in the medal recently) but as a 22 HC I went 1 over for 7 holes on Thursday and 4 over for 9 on Friday - so its going to happen, I think.

I've gone from a sweeper who hit down on the ball thinking that if my stance were open and the club face square that it would fade to a greater understanding of whats going on.

Now, how do you stop triples - they're killing me.
Today I had 3 triples (all 3 off the tee), 3 doubles, 6 singles and 6 pars.

Putting is definitely a problem, but when the wheels come off, its a train wreck.

I dropped 6 at the tee before I started and had too many putts.

Lots of "easy" shots to save though.

I've added one other thing to my list, bounce on wedges.
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