This TGM stuff works Part II

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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Well, went out for my first 18 holes of the season. I have also been to the range one more time since i posted my thread about being under plane. Last time i went i was hitting it pretty good.

For a recap i went to see Brian and Tom in Orlando and they didn't change much. Bent me a over a bit more and got my right shoulder on plane more. That's about it. Practised both all winter.

Today i left work @ 4pm and managed to get in 18 holes before dark. I was at a pretty easy course, under 6000 yards and easy slope but fairways are narrow and greens are tiny.


72, 1 over par :D

Not bad for first time out. Plus i was in places I'VE NEVER BEEN before as well. That's a product of getting that right shoulder downplane which allows my right forearm to get on plane too. My swing speed has shot up to the 112-115 because of this as well.

One hole is roughly 275 yards long, short par 4. I usually hit driver most of the time but knew it was too much club since i was hitting it all day 285-295 most of the day.

I took out the 3 wood and drew it and ran it up on the green.

This TGM stuff works people, listen/learn/apply.



How did getting your right shoulder down plane increase your swing speed? Is this something you are conciously thinking about during the swing?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
quote:Originally posted by Garth

How did getting your right shoulder down plane increase your swing speed? Is this something you are conciously thinking about during the swing?

If your right shoulder is coming down on plane it allows you to store your clubhead lag deeper into the swing and also allows your right forearm to come into impact on plane as well.

Both of these will help you find a bit more speed through impact. Now conversely, if you right shoulder is above plane through impact you will have to start straightening your right arm SOONER otherwise you'd miss the ball. This means you'll start losing clubhead lag much earlier in the swing and thus lose speed.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Oh Tom, i forgot to mention:

I still have that tee you gave me...still going strong and hasn't broke! i'm going to buy a few more of those haha.


quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

quote:Originally posted by Garth

How did getting your right shoulder down plane increase your swing speed? Is this something you are conciously thinking about during the swing?

If your right shoulder is coming down on plane it allows you to store your clubhead lag deeper into the swing and also allows your right forearm to come into impact on plane as well.

Both of these will help you find a bit more speed through impact. Now conversely, if you right shoulder is above plane through impact you will have to start straightening your right arm SOONER otherwise you'd miss the ball. This means you'll start losing clubhead lag much earlier in the swing and thus lose speed.

Thanks for the reply, makes sense. I'm currently working alot on my axis tilt and i can see how inter-related these 2 concepts are, which is why i asked.
jim 0068,
This is a concept I've been working on myself. Are there any drills, or swing thoughts that you can suggest to work on the concepts you spoke about in this thread?
~Thanks, Dustin

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
"drawing the #7 with your shoulders" That has been a good visual reminder to get my shoulder going down on plane along with applying the right amount of axis tilt
only wish I had some success with this stuff. Since working with a TGM instructor, john the rovergolf guy. and learning more about it by watching vids, and posting here. I have only eliminated my flipping, gotten a lot of distance, and have a lot of compression. It sure is nice when I hit the 300 yarder but it is even better when the stars allign and i get it out 330. But I also like sticking the wedges too.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
quote:Originally posted by Dustin

jim 0068,
This is a concept I've been working on myself. Are there any drills, or swing thoughts that you can suggest to work on the concepts you spoke about in this thread?
~Thanks, Dustin

Watch brian's video answer and the right shoulder going downplane.

That should clear it up, you want to make sure that the club (in the video) is always pointing at the plane line.
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