Tiger, dump him now.

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I saw that. He was doing it with irons. I thought at one point it was like he was holding off or trying to fade...but that particular shot did not fade - it was a dogleg right and he hit it straight - through the fairway.

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
I totally agree his downswing and finish looks horrible. I still say he was swinging the best in his 1996 domination of the US Amateur.

What gets in these players heads regarding the likes of Haney, Lead, Harmon, Hardy, ad nauseum? All of it confllicts. I refuse to even read the instruction "passages" in Golf Digest and Golf Mag anymore.
Tiger's problem is his setup, not so much his swing. Fixing his setup will go a long way to solving his accuracy problems.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I can mimic tiger's new "fade" swing (that brian is talking about) without a whole lot of trouble.

Tiger has figured out a new way to hit a fade; at least in my opinion. He used more of a hitting motion in prior years to angle hinge that fade but now he's swinging more and listening to haney a bit too (ugh).

Here's what he's doing and if you do the same you will have the same "finish look" to Tiger's swing. Here's what you do:

- Make a backswing without a ball
- Come into impact
- go through impact ALMOST to the followthrough
- resist the left wrist from turning so much so that you produce an angled hinge
- now you should be at both arms straight with an angled hinge clubface
- Now from this point ELIMINATE THE SWIVEL and simple "bend" that left wrist right up the plane

If you do the above the way i'm describing you will have Tiger's new "fade" look. I've tried, it works so-so. I much prefer an more open stance and "full roll" fade as it is much more predictable.

However the nice thing about Tiger's "new way" is that this shot generally produces a "straight fade" where as the "open stance" fade generally produces a "pull-fade"
tongzilla said:
Is he doing it with the driver or just short shots?

No US Open on tv here :(

Brilliant coverage on Sky, tong' , with Sky filling in with their own at times for the Euro players. You're missing out !
I saw Tiger hitting some shots on the range on sky and he was stopping when his hands were head height on his follow-through, he seemed to be making extra care that his left wrist was in a fully uncocked position, looked very strange. I have the British Open 2000 dvd and his swing then looked so much better, i think Haney has done a number on him:confused:
It's only a matter of time...Haney ....God Bless...will go to the same place as the ones prior.....He'll (Tiger)take them to the Top....Then let em go.....;) His Congruent Plane Theory IS the reason Tiger cannot drive it on this planet!!!! Freakin Sweetspot doesn't know where in the he77 to go....Nor does the shaft in relation to the sweetspot....They have done a good job on the lower body..so kudos for that!!!
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