Does it look to anyone else like Tiger just rips at it so much harder than he did when he was in his prime? His swing used to look much more fluid, rhythmic, and controlled. I wonder if it has anything to do with the muscle mass he's put on...
Thoughts anyone?
Let's see you hit a NIKE driver good everytime.
He's still better than any of us.
Agreed, not questioning his talent or ability by any means. I'm a big fan of his.
Check out the rhythm of his swing in this link: Tiger Woods - The 2000 British Open Championship - YouTube
This post was purely about the difference in his rhythm from 1997-2000, to the swings you see today from him.
I think he looked bigger then because he wore clothes that were a bit too big. He is a skinny dude, but he has definitely put on mass since 2000.
That thing is his MacGregor Tourney golf ball.
Hey, I used to play Tour Editions. Still have a bunch of old ones in my shag bag and they still go pretty good. My favorite ball to hate were the Hogan 100 compressions. They would go like hell and stop on a dime but hit an iron a bit thin (and I mean a still take a divot, bit) and they'd cut. I couldn't afford 'em.
I doubt if Norman actually played with that thing. ....