Tiger warming up with some kind of Plane Board today.

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No, but do you remember about how long into the coverage it happened? I have the rounds DVR'ed.

I could try and catch it and then take a picture of it. May not be great quality, but still, better than nothing.

Brian Manzella


Interestingly, he was warming up in a left-to-right cross wind with this plane board thingy. It kept him from coming over it—which may be why he used it—but it forced him to use a more closed clubface ti keep the ball from leking right.

He then proceeded to pull-hook his opening tee shot Oscar Bonavena.

Hogan never wanted to practice with a L to R crosswind as it promoted coming over the top. He much preferred a R to L crosswind.

This morning on BBC one of the hacks commented that Tiger has almost exclusively been working (on the practice range) on a flat or slightly bowed left wrist through impact. So much so the both arms are straight well into the follow through (good job he's young, that will stress your left elbow big time).....


This morning on BBC one of the hacks commented that Tiger has almost exclusively been working (on the practice range) on a flat or slightly bowed left wrist through impact. So much so the both arms are straight well into the follow through (good job he's young, that will stress your left elbow big time).....
The stuff these guys on BBC come out with is ridiclous. Have you heard the guy doing the slow-motion stuff? Dreadful.

Tiger still looks a bit funky today, but seems to be getting the odd friendly bounce.
The stuff these guys on BBC come out with is ridiclous. Have you heard the guy doing the slow-motion stuff? Dreadful.

Tiger still looks a bit funky today, but seems to be getting the odd friendly bounce.

Yes I agree with the slow-motion guy, but don't mind Wayne Grady or Ken Brown..
Good stuff from Steve Striker today, very impressive..
If I'm not mistaken the slow-motion guy, is or at least was, a Leadbetter academy director in the north of England.

yes - he was - website says that he still is. From the lead website ..."Academy Director/Senior Director of Instruction: Andrew Nicholson"
This morning on BBC one of the hacks commented that Tiger has almost exclusively been working (on the practice range) on a flat or slightly bowed left wrist through impact. So much so the both arms are straight well into the follow through (good job he's young, that will stress your left elbow big time).....

I thought Mark James actually made one of the more knowledgable remarks regarding the swing that i have heard from the BBC hacks. Sounded to me like keeping flat left or slightly bowed wrist into impact (never a bad thing)then to followthrough to a long right arm ala Tom Tomasello. Text book golfing machine as far as i heard.

Agree though the slow motion guy talks vague opinion based stuff that actually only confuses more then explains.
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