I love the fact that I have chosen a profession where, basically, so many people in high profile media positions, don't have ANY IDEA what the heck they are talking about.
Tiger Woods' ACL problem has NOTHING to do with his left leg action. I doubt if he hurt it just "jogging" either. He stepped in a hole, or something like that.
There are 100's of golfers (yes hundreds) who have as much or more clubhead speed then Tiger, snap their left leg and their kinetic chains MORE than Tiger, and have ZERO damage to their knees.
Rick Rielly, who some of time I like what he says, wondered if "Tiger will ever be Tiger again?"
Tiger won a US-friggin-Open with a RUPTURED ACL—swinging like "Tiger." He'll be better than ever, left leg golf-wise.
Mike Finney, our great friend and colleague, has had BOTH knees completely reconstructed. He never had the time, money, or want to to rehab perfectly. He swings similar to Tiger as far as the left knee goes. No problem.
Tiger, who will rehab with a custom made machine if need be, will not lose any leg girth, and will probably pick up speed from when he played WITHOUT an intact ACL.
The folks who teach some other kind of leg action, Tiger haters, and just strictly unknowledgeable commentator have made me ill just listening to them.
Why they just don't call me, and get the answer.
Tiger will be fine. Mark it down.