tigers one smart cookie

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ok,so,i'm new here,and i love reading everyones postings.thats what i do,i mainly read.i read how tiger went from a bowed left wrist to a strait one at impact.so,if you pay attention to what hes doing,you'll see tiger is doing three things.after surgury tiger knew he had to swing differently to take pressure off the knee.so,hence,the swing change.so tiger has this friend,mark o'merea,he is thaught by haney.so tiger hears he can get a repeating swing,which he wants,help his knee,and make his stinger even more powerful with all these options.his only real problem before was getting stuck.but you get stuck when your arms swing one way and your shoulders the other way.so,by swing with his shoulders,getting stuck is gone.strait left wrist,more toys for the stinger to play with.and the knee,well,i have'nt heared about it yet.we all know tiger could win using our nasty old swings,but now with all these new changes hes made,look for him to make the 2000 season look like a warm up.i respect everyone on this forum.just felt like writting what i concluded from watching tiger.remember he said,moe and ben owned their swings.tiger almost already did,except the getting stuck part,so lets do the math and see how tiger does.i know he wont let us down.
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