Tiger's Swing Today (at the PGA)

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Does anybody else think he looks way too flat? On his podcast, Brian was talking about how he had liked what he was seeing from Tiger lately, but to me, it looked the shoulder and arm planes were trying to turn on the same angle.


In the September Issue of Golf Digest there's a picture of Tiger at the top of his backswing. I believe he is using Rt. Knee Anchor, but if you look at the picture close his weight appears to be on the outside edge of his right foot. I am not Tiger's teacher nor do I claim to be good enough to teach Tiger. But I would question whether standard leg action may help Tiger with this issue. Especially since it appears he is swinging now.

Side note:
Standard may not have been applied to Tiger's Swing yet because it may feel to foreign to him. I dunno just a thought.

Sorting through the Duffer's Bible
May be flatter, but jeez he's killing the ball. The three wood he hit on 17 and the drive on 18 were unbelieveable. I know 18 is only 530, but he had a friggin 7-iron into the green, please tell me that hole is down hill. I'll assume his 7-iron was around 180, which would mean the drive was approximately 350!!

Where do these guys get the power from, Tiger is in good shape, but he's not friggin hercules!!


quote:Originally posted by Tball88

May be flatter, but jeez he's killing the ball. The three wood he hit on 17 and the drive on 18 were unbelieveable. I know 18 is only 530, but he had a friggin 7-iron into the green, please tell me that hole is down hill. I'll assume his 7-iron was around 180, which would mean the drive was approximately 350!!

Where do these guys get the power from, Tiger is in good shape, but he's not friggin hercules!!

Purity of mechanics :)
I think he hit the 7 188.

The power comes from:

Exceptional Hand Eye Co-ordination
Good Rotation

I driver the ball on average 280-300, if I have a crack at it 320-340.

I hit a 8 150, 7 160-165 and a 5 iron 200-210.

I still take one club more than guy's like Westwood who hit a 6 iron 200+ and I am 5'11" and weigh 160-ish and I am not very strong.

You can discuss the technicalities of the swing but no matter how technically sound if you dont have the timing you wont be able to strike the ball the way they do.

This is why Tiger is a +8 and I am a single figure hacker.

My guess is to hit the ball as far as Tiger, strength is the least important but to do it on every shot and to be able to under club strength then becomes very very important.

The way to put this in perspective is that if he took a 7 from 180+ he had to be comfortable standing over it, he did not need to go at it because almost anything is sticking to the greens. So he was clubbing well within himself and that is the most shocking because I'd be chasing a hard 6, ez 5 180+ and he's taking 2 clubs less and swinging within himself.

It is a different game.

quote:Originally posted by Tball88

May be flatter, but jeez he's killing the ball. The three wood he hit on 17 and the drive on 18 were unbelieveable. I know 18 is only 530, but he had a friggin 7-iron into the green, please tell me that hole is down hill. I'll assume his 7-iron was around 180, which would mean the drive was approximately 350!!

Where do these guys get the power from, Tiger is in good shape, but he's not friggin hercules!!
quote:Originally posted by andrewmc
You can discuss the technicalities of the swing but no matter how technically sound if you dont have the timing you wont be able to strike the ball the way they do.

Timing is a great thing...important- don't get me wrong. It could very well separate two people with similar swings ("mechanic-wise") by 50 yards or w/e.

But there's no substitute for good mechanics. You can manipulate the club and shift the club, etc...but it helps if your mechanics are bang-on. Then you just focus on lag and, as you say, timing...w/o worrying about having to, um..."time" anything else.

Why do you think Tiger has gone through all this effort to change his swing? He's not just been working on timing.

And I don't think hand-eye really has much of anything to do with it. We've been thru it- with how blind guys can hit a ball, etc.

Core strength and rotation speed play a part I think.
The golf club is a lever. The more power you apply to the lever, the more work you can do. The source of power is muscle. Mechanics and timing are an important part of the total and without them you could not make the most efficient use of your muscle power.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I've seen Tiger "go after a 7 iron" that is in reality everybody's "modern day loft" of an 8 iron and hit it 195.

Must be nice
well yesterday he had 270 left in on 17, 650-270= just your everyday little 380 yd poke... Now that's up there with the long-drive boys. I'm sure the hole is measured from the outside, so it's probably not 650 of straight line, but it takes a lot of club head speed to hit a golf ball that far.... Maybe I need to start playing that NIke Platinum:)
They said Phil hit a 9 iron 185 or something ridiculous yesterday.

I'd imagine it was slightly downwind/hill, but I don't think it was too much downhill, and the wind wasn't blowin too hard.

He made it but pulled it.

It's crazy but I dunno why you'd want to even do that...why not hit a "normal" 8 or 7.
9 iron and chase it rather than 8 ez?

One reason might be.........

If you were sitting on a 9 and you regularly hit it 180, and you regularly hit a 8 190, but theres trouble behind the pin you'd want to hit a very hard 9 because an easier 8 could still be to much and end up in trouble........whilst a 9 may not reach the trouble no matter how hard you hit it.
quote:Originally posted by andrewmc

9 iron and chase it rather than 8 ez?

One reason might be.........

If you were sitting on a 9 and you regularly hit it 180, and you regularly hit a 8 190, but theres trouble behind the pin you'd want to hit a very hard 9 because an easier 8 could still be to much and end up in trouble........whilst a 9 may not reach the trouble no matter how hard you hit it.

I still don't see why you would want to swing that hard at a short iron.

I just thought that a 9 iron was kind of savage...he prolly could have hit a punch 7, judging by how hard he swung at the thing. I don't think he was trying to chase it up either- it looked like it pretty much flew there.

I guess it must have been pretty downwind....guess he wanted to ride the wind as much as possible....9 iron still seems savage tho.
So Tiger even longer on 17 today, 387 off the tee and then a 263yd two Iron to reach the green in two.... just your everyday reachable 650yd par 5. CRAZY!!!
quote:Originally posted by Tball88

So Tiger even longer on 17 today, 387 off the tee and then a 263yd two Iron to reach the green in two.... just your everyday reachable 650yd par 5. CRAZY!!!

Was it downwind/downhill at all? How far did he carry the 2-iron?
He carried it 263 to the pin and it rolled further so I am guessing it was a 290 yard 2 iron to the rough at the back?

quote:Originally posted by birdie_man

quote:Originally posted by Tball88

So Tiger even longer on 17 today, 387 off the tee and then a 263yd two Iron to reach the green in two.... just your everyday reachable 650yd par 5. CRAZY!!!

Was it downwind/downhill at all? How far did he carry the 2-iron?
At the very end yesterday the wind changed from downwind to upwind, which is why the lightning came in. I'd have to suspect that Woods played it slightly down wind

quote:Originally posted by birdie_man

You have to be joking me...

I seriously hope that's downwind cause I might puke real soon.
No joke, he is correct 263 of carry with a 2 iron. I just don't get it. I think I hit the ball very well Driver typically 260-280, and Tiger would be a 100 yards in front of me all day. It almost seems super human. I think the key with him is his pivot. He turns throught the ball so hard with his body and never stops his turn(I don't think he suffers from quitting". I have a tendency to stop turning and just hit with the arms. Everytime I try to really pivot fast, seems like I hang it out right.
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