Tim Petrovic

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Any comments on this guy's swing?

I did not know much about him until the Memorial Tournament. His swing looks unbelievably smooth and easy. It's hard to believe that the ball travels nearly as far when compared to a much more dynamic swing (Fowler, say).

Granted Fowler does drive the ball further, on average, but I just love the smooth tempo of Tim's swing.



eric, i am bumping this one to the top. i would like to read what the guys think about his sweet action!


D Plane and Speed.....

Thats all the balata cares about baby.
Is the real question here how will the player of the future look...?
Maybe once people get over the need for speed, this will be it.
You can feel like your smashing it, but it dosent really add as much speed as you think you are, or you feel you are..... many of us work it out...(I still havent).....
Many of the 'really greats' learn to play like that... i heard fuzzy say it last night.....'you dont need to try to hit it'.
I think the six year old kid in asia who is learning assisted by trackman right now as we all sit here, on our butts 'expanding our minds', will realize this law of diminishing returns with the numbers it spits out and apply it and shoot 54.
A Canuck nearly did it the other day in Calgary, 11 under thru 9.....
Seriously, one day some cowboy will front up and roast everyone using this type of action, and that will forever alter the perception of our universe.
Just sayin'....
I think Petrovic gets to ride up front with Freddie and Ernie on the TEMPO TRAIN.
His swing caught my eye also and that does not happen much.
Isn't the general consensus that being an "arm swinger" like Petrovic is a timed swing and lends itself to inconsistency for Joe Hacker?
He is not an arm swinger by any stretch. Excellent pivot, he just times his kinematic sequence extremely well. Physically, his strength likely assists him in swinging so fluidly, ala Els, Singh, Davis Love et al.
Like to hear the experts chime in but to my untrained eye, he certainly looks like a pure swinger. Probably closer to the zero torque model than just about anyone else on tour. Based on some of what Brian has posted in the past, this type of swing is accurate but not real long.

Petrovic's stats would back that up with him being 16th in driving accuracy and 142nd in driving distance.
Rock and Rolla!

I played many rounds against Tim P. in college. I went to Central Ct., Tim and Jerry Kelley went to Hartford.......TP was a decent ball striker but an INCREDIBLE rolla of the rock! Silky smooth stroke and the ball just poured into the hole. Proud to also say that CCSU won their fair share of events against U Hartford, great times and rivalry during college golf in New England.
It seems to me only tall guys have the luxury of swinging like this. If Fowler swung like this he'd be too short to play out there. If Faldo was Fowlers size he'd probably be an accountant. This is nothing against Tim's swing. If I was 6 inches taller and 40 pounds heavier I'd try it.
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