perfectly timed club-head throwaway. this is what so many of us fight
perfectly timed club-head throwaway. this is what so many of us fight
Please elaborate on "sandbag over the shoulder follow through." If he had driven down into the ball with a flat wrist like on "Conf. of Flipper," how would the shoulders look instead?
That is textbook flipping. Our own Jeffy does EXACTLY the same thing. Notice the sandbag over the shoulder followthrough on both. I suppose the difference is that Jeffy thinks this is a desirable action.
So you can have a leaning shaft with hands in front of the ball and a flat left wrist at impact and still flip it (slap hinge)? Can you still perform the slap-hinge release even if you place the ball way ahead (ie in front or left of your front foot) like in the 'Conf. of Flipper' video? I'm just looking for some sort of drill that will confirm that I'm not performing this slap-hinge flipping move.
And if someone could please explain the slap-hinge release that would be great. It's the first time I've ever heard of it.
Well, I am fully aware that the concept of a slap-hinge release type is not a TGM thing for the reasons I have stated above. I can even presume that TGMers will call it a bad thing (flip) because Mr.Kelley did not mention it (or did not discuss the possible no.5 power accumulator - right wrist unhinging) in his book.
But it does not mean that the Yellow Book covers ALL WISDOM of the golf swing - slap-hinge release is the best prove - it exists and people can and play good golf with it. I do not know what Brian is going to say on the subject - prolly he disregard it the way you suspect - but he has proved not a single time that his golf knowledge surpasses the knowledge included in Mr.Kelley's book.
Thanks for the replies. I believe I can hit the ball solid while placed left of my left foot. However, I hardly take a divot so I'll have work on that. I think I just need to dedicate a thousand balls and just hit those Flipper video chip shots all day.
I tend to hit it fat when I'm doing the "Flipper" drill (half turn chip shot). Is this just part of the learning curve?
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