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I love to experiment and tinker with my swing. I had this idea yesterday. What would happen if I float load my backswing, then at the top, just drive my legs down hard to make a squat. It seemed to create a huge amount of trigger delay, and a very pleasing trajectory. I could feel no upper body effort in the swing at all. It was sort of a NHA feel- drop the club, catch it with the squat/pivot. Clearly one effect was the clubface was often open and often an inside out path that created a push or push slice. Has anyone else played with this idea? Is there any merit? Did you have the path/face control issues?


In my opinion, good swingers don't try to squat. Instead, they use good, standard knee action, which gives the appearance of a squat or "sit down" position in the face on view. But, this is not a static position that one should try to achieve, in my opinion; it is a fleeting moment in time during the downswing as the right knee transitions from straight to bent and the left knee transitions from bent to straight.
poor little puppy dog....

I've been working on the sit down position off and on for some time. Of late it's a more on thing. I wanted to respond to this post when I first saw it, but was reluctant for whatever reasons.

I have watched Brian's video on it more than a few to a hundred times and thinks he does a marvelous job of explaining this "mysterious position". I am still waiting for his explanation of the secondary sit down position!!!! I know he's a busy man with y'all folks biting at the bit for help! Anyway, the short vid is awesome and sorry I cannot post a link to it cuz I just can't find it!

I agree with RWH that a good pivot can produce a squat look provided the golfer has a fairly dynamic and athletic swing. But, I think this still does not guarantee such a position for many golfers and it's not really even necessary. Brian describes it as not even a position for most golfers. Rather, it's just a resquaring of the knees. I think I watched Stuart Applebee on slo mo just recently. A very nice swing, but where's the squat? I realize he does not need it, but for the rest of us who may be slighted on distance and swing flaw issues, it could be a viable option.

I've also heard that the squat will produce no extra umph, it's unnecessary, and why learn such a hard move in the first place?

One of the best answers I've heard is simply to "swirl a string with a stone tied to the other end". And what's so hard about learning to squat? Maybe we can get Mandrin on this one and see if there's any validity to this squat.

The thing that might be missing from many of the swings is both knees going down a bit, like the frog preparing itself for a leap onto the lilly pad, and then timing the up to get the umpph. The trick for me is to go up while staying down! Also, my right knee does not run down the fairway as I am accustomed to doing for so many years. Another problem now is my distance control is all screwed up. For whatever reason, and I am not saying it is a result of the squat, I seem to be hitting the ball a little farther. Maybe my technique has improved as a result. Another thought that ocurred to me is if I think of going down with the squat, is the down portion of my right shoulder automatically engaged?

...let the big dog get out!
I love to experiment and tinker with my swing. I had this idea yesterday. What would happen if I float load my backswing, then at the top, just drive my legs down hard to make a squat. It seemed to create a huge amount of trigger delay, and a very pleasing trajectory. I could feel no upper body effort in the swing at all. It was sort of a NHA feel- drop the club, catch it with the squat/pivot. Clearly one effect was the clubface was often open and often an inside out path that created a push or push slice. Has anyone else played with this idea? Is there any merit? Did you have the path/face control issues?

Don't allow the left hand to cup too much. Use a weaker left hand grip and keep the #1 pressure point. That might eliminate a little wrist cock but should help the control a lot.
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