to increase swing speed, swing lighter or heavier?

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on condition that a golfer is maximizing on his physical condition through overall physical conditioning and golf specific exercises, what is your opinion/thoughts/experience/research/science on learning to practice swinging a club that is heavier vs lighter than the club one usually uses? thank you in advance for your input.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I would think a heavier club would be best but i would consider mechanics more than anything. Ground forces, sequence and where and when force is apllied to the club would be my concerns.
check out Kelvin Miyahra, he invented the speed chain an has done tons on scientific research on what creates speed. google him, he has written many articles on the subject and help a lot of baseball player with bat speed.
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The basic idea behind "overload" and "overspeed" training i.e. swinging a heavier and/or lighter club/implement can be quite complicated. Having said that, there has been research that suggests to only swing a club that is approximately 12% lighter/heavier than your normal golf club. If a club is much heavier than this you will start to recruit different and additional muscles in order to swing the implement. This will also change your pattern of swing and alter your motor pattern. Anything much lighter than normal won't gain you any return on investment, so to speak.

In addition, through lots of research I have learned that getting bigger, faster, stronger will do very little to increase clubhead speed. It is more a function of coordination or pattern sequencing if you will. Hope this helps.
What about something like this? Just came out this year. It looks like a similar concept to the demarini chute trainer I used to increase my (baseball) bat speed which worked great. Anyone tried it?-->

Powerchute Trainer
Got it two weeks ago. My swing speed is up I've noticed an increase in distance. My pivot feels like it is "getting more done".
a combination of slightly heavier and also slightly lighter can work. go lighter to allow yourself and your body to know and feel what and how much 'faster' can be.
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