Toe hit

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Hi guys,
I'm hitting my iron shots off the toe. Driver swing is not bad at all . Iron shots are moving right to left with big loss of distance.Misses are pulls. I've tried standing closer,just made it worse.
Any help,drills etc. appreciated!
Most likely you are swinging too far left/have your left shoulder too far away from the ball at impact.

Also, check your lie angles.

one cause is the handle gets too high at impact, hence making the toe drop down a little.

some may say that its not a good idea to try and hit it with the feeling of lower hands through impact
Toed Shots Thread

Toed Shots

What are some causes?

Not a chronic problem but sometimes I get little stretches where I hit some shots off the toe.

Don't know if something is off in my address or if something is getting "shortened" in there or what.....

Brian Manzella –
No particular order...

#1. Swing too far to the left.

#2. Clubs are too flat.

#3. Attempt to "save" an open clubface "Hacker-style."

#4. Set-up too far from the ball to have your hips open and hit the inside of the ball as well.

#5. Left shoulder too far from the ball at impact.

If your HIPS are not left enough, and they are very open, your left shoulder will be too far from the ball at impact.

For me if I swung too far to right or left it seemed to happen.

If I was unbalanced at address. (not enough on heels)

If I setup with my hands too low it seems to be worse. (I would then have them more raised at impact...**kluck** the grooves...)
This one I can help with (maybe).

I went through about 2 weeks of this and I figured it out. I was moving too much during the swing with my lower body. ('sway' if you like).

Sometimes this causes you to stay too far behind the ball (mild reverse pivot). You cannot complete your swing properly, it gets abbreviated and you finish your follow through too early.

My cure was easy once I knew what it was (but it took a good weeks worth of experimenting). Basically I kept weight distribution a bit more even, and I made sure to swing to right field, completing the path of the club head _through_ the ball.

My 'drill' that helped when I was home was to take a kitchen chair, and put it about 4-5" away from my right hip and swing wedges which IMO should have no sway. Go up to a mid iron and make sure your right hip isn't hitting that chair. (for right handed golfers).

I can't say this is your problem, but I wanted to post this because I had the exact same problem for a spell this summer and this solved it 100%.


I was out hitting short 60* pitch shots tonight. I FELT like I was turning my hips early in the downswing. I began to make myself FEEL or actually slide target wards and just allowing the turn to take care of itself. I began to hit much crisper pitches and on the sweet spot . I'm going to give this a try on full shots also this week-end and will report back.
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