tom watsons secret

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Its a secret not the secret to golf; maintaining ones spine angle has long been held to be ONE of the basic truths to a good swing.

i think when he was talking about how he tried to swing like jack, and swung out to the right, he was changing his spine angle. then he worked out how to keep it constant mabye?
Ya he fixed his path I think.

Not very good instruction for the most part tho really IMO. (content and explaination)

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
That's certainly a good tip....but the secret? It shows how simple and childlike Tour pros can be about ballstriking. "I just think about tempo..."

Brian Manzella

Poor Golfers.

99% of all hackers have NOT ENOUGH TILT and swing too far left.

99% of all struggling tour players have TOO MUCH TILT and (or) not enough OPEN SHOULDERS...and they swing TOO FAR TO THE RIGHT!!!

99% of Hackers listen to guys like Tom Watson who could break par at 15, but would go broke teaching if they were in the witness protection plan.

To answer a question from another thread:

"Brian, so-an-so on the PGA Tour has less tilt but wide open shoulders. So much for your 1° open to tilted ratio."


You missed the point.

If you SWING OUT TO THE RIGHT TOO MUCH IT ISN'T BECAUSE OF YOUR TILT, ALL YOU NEED IS MORE OPEN SHOULDERS. could reduce your tilt, but you better watch out.

A guy, like Sergio would swing too far right if his shoulders were more on plane.

Get it?

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
But also maybe a great reason why they can play so well.

Definately not ripping on him. i've just been to too many tour pro clinics that are just too comical. The secret they always say is just someting simple that works for them. I was at a clinic Vijay did where he said the secret was to cup your left wrist at the top so the face would be open so you can release it without fear of going left. They are fun to watch, especially Watson.....pure.
I didn't intend to suggest that. Having been around a few very talented and gifted athletes, I have asked some of them "how they do" whatever it is they do very well. Most of the time it is a very simple answer that suggests they really don't know, they just do whatever it is that produces the results that they want and can repeat it consistently without any thought. As sports psychologists say, subconsciously or as sports physiologists say, form neuro-muscle memory.
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