tommy armour 3 swing

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did not get a chance to view the event or TA III's swing but i read the following comment in the Golf Magazine (Online) Keys To Victory article about Tommy Armour III's performance at the Texas Open:

"At the start of the summer, Armour was pull-hooking everything. He saw a video of his swing with coach Mike Abbott and realized that he needed to go back to a few things that Mac O'Grady had taught him. After months of work, he finally got his swing to the point were he was able to trust it."

could you please describe armour's swing ... does any one have insight into what it was that mac "had taught him"? thanks
yeah if anyone has clips or pics please post them ta3's swing is very compact looks alot like macs but even shorter i have modeled my swing after macs also and it looks to me like his problem is one i have too pull hooks for me it is from having too fast a transition from back to forward swing, i could see how he could have the same problem his swing is very quick

Yes, those stills are from a video. I don't know what Mac was having him work on, I only know what he was working on that day. He felt that his hips were late in getting open causing the club to get stuck too far inside. He was missing with an excessive draw with the driver.

By the way, TAIII is VERY long.



quote:Originally posted by Redgoat


Yes, those stills are from a video. I don't know what Mac was having him work on, I only know what he was working on that day. He felt that his hips were late in getting open causing the club to get stuck too far inside. He was missing with an excessive draw with the driver.

By the way, TAIII is VERY long.

redgoat- any chance of putting a link to streaming video you have filmed of these guys ... i take it that ur an individual w/ "inside the ropes" privileges?

I am lucky to have tons of video from just about everyone. If I can figure out how to get them to the internet I will. I shot the TAII video myself just before LA Open qualifying earlier this year. He shot 65 the next day and lost in a playoff to get in. Tough profession!


Brian Manzella

Thanks for the posts look good on the cover this month!

I have a lot of video also and will add a PGA TOUR player to my VIDEOs section every couple of days after I get the best ball strikers I have ever tuaght up....

next....someone who hit it so good David Toms was in awe.........
Thank you Brian.

Look forward to your pics.

Let me know if you could the best way to post video on the internet.



brady- what camcorder do you use? the impact position (2nd photo, the one w/ the shaft across his hips) you have of DT clearly (virtually no blur) captures the ball shortly after seperation. what specs, shutter speed etc should you look for in buying a camcorder for recording swings? thanks.

It must have an adjustable shutter speed. In overcast conditions 1/1000 frames per second is adaquate. But to get no blur you must shoot at 1/4000 frames per second. Several cameras on the market currently offer this, one made by Panasonic. Or, you can venture onto ebay to get a canon dv10, dv20, or dv25, that is what I use.

BTW, I did not shoot the Toms video, it was given to me.

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