how good did his swing look this weekend great display of the imperatives and made every put he looked at awsome
wow, great post ... thanks ... are those stills from video? ... any idea what it was that mac had taught him that he needed to work on?quote:Originally posted by Redgoat
TAIII swing in January this year.
redgoat- any chance of putting a link to streaming video you have filmed of these guys ... i take it that ur an individual w/ "inside the ropes" privileges?quote:Originally posted by Redgoat
Yes, those stills are from a video. I don't know what Mac was having him work on, I only know what he was working on that day. He felt that his hips were late in getting open causing the club to get stuck too far inside. He was missing with an excessive draw with the driver.
By the way, TAIII is VERY long.