too inside on takeaway problem

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i still have a habit in my backswing of taking it to the inside too quickly and i lose the 'up' part of my backswing. i know it's been said to just take it straight back, but in doing so it seems as if it is going to the outside. when i go to the inside it does make it hard to drop the club on the ball and my misses are fat and thins. is there any suggestions, or just get used to the straight back look?
Swing a club w/ your butt up against a wall. Not only is it a good way to train your pivot (right cheek - takeaway, left cheek - downswing) but you'll instantly get feedback on the "up" component of the backswing.
pieman, you could be turning away from the ball too quickly, ie. your left shoulder is going around too much, rather than down and around...
Try a small compression of your left side (between shoulder and hip) as the first move before you turn (this is NOT stack and tilt!...:)) will find the club takes a straighter initial path back...
actually i don't really lower my left shoulder at all. pretty much just turning level. would this small compression give me a feeling of reverse pivoting?
actually i don't really lower my left shoulder at all. pretty much just turning level. would this small compression give me a feeling of reverse pivoting?

Try it and see.............:D

Seriously, as an exercise, do it deliberately, and slowly at first, BEFORE making any other movement back from the ball..

You will feel yourself lean over to the left (but your head will not move left), the club will go about 18"-2 feet back and your weight willl move to your right to accomodate your hand/arm weight moving to the right......then pivot around your right leg and put your left shoulder under your chin...


up the wall

i have the same problem and I think "up the wall" like in Brian's NHA video going back. I also think about the butt of the club pointing down at the ground going back (if you were overrotating too much to the inside the butt of the club would point out past the ball)
i still have a habit in my backswing of taking it to the inside too quickly and i lose the 'up' part of my backswing. i know it's been said to just take it straight back, but in doing so it seems as if it is going to the outside. when i go to the inside it does make it hard to drop the club on the ball and my misses are fat and thins. is there any suggestions, or just get used to the straight back look?

Brian worked with me on keeping the right elbow above the left which eliminated my "pop-out" problem. The one key that helped me the most was the feeling that the left shoulder started down toward the ball and the right shoulder started up and not around. Hope this helps.
gently tilt your spine left which will propel the hands on the correct circular path which is a blending of up and in...
I have a drill that if I can explain correctly will give you instant feedback if you take it too inside or if you happen to get too much underplane coming down as well. Hopefully you can visualize what I'm saying.

First place a club, say a 5 or 6 iron on the ground on your target line, pre. I place the club on the ground where the head is at the back end. Around the ferul/hosel area I take my setup with the clubhead as close to the club on the ground, no further away than an inch or two. Once I take the setup, I take an old shaft and stick it in the ground again an inch or two under my club, on the same angle as my club is at setup. then move up toward the front end of the club and tee a ball up (always use a tee and don't worry if you tee it up higher than normal, it's just a drill), again with the clubhead as close as possible to the shaft on the ground. Then the idea is to swing and keep your club above the shaft you stuck in the ground at the rear end of your target shaft...if you come too inside either going back or coming down you will hit the shaft. I don't know if you can visualize what I'm saying but if so it will let you know right away if you take the club too inside.
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