Too Much Pivot split off with question

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Well.....I have been stuck in the house all day due to a miserable 3 days of snow and cold and the boredom has worn me down. I have been reading the "Too Much Pivot" thread and I guess I am confused. I figured a good way to entertain myself would be to subject you good folks to my questions. Hopefully, ya'll are as bored as I am.

I went into my cSwing library and pulled up several pros and compared their pivots at impact. To say I am confused would seem to be a gross understatemnet.

For instance, in the screenshot from my cSwing that I linked at the bottom, I have Hank Kuehne and Chad Campbell side by side and at impact. Kuehne is "pivoted" much more through the ball than Campbell. Would he be considered to have a "better" pivot than Campbell?

Also, Kuehne is MUCH longer than Campbell. Is his larger pivot a major factor or is it more due to physical strength?

And finally, how the heck does Kuehne do this? I am pretty flexible and I work on my flexibility, but I can't get anywhere near this much pivot before impact. Is this a position a swing coach would recomend if the student could do it, or is Kuehne overdoing a good thing?

By the way, I tried to use the insert picture icon and it just placed
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I am sure you can reproduce Hanks position....the differential between the shoulders and hips is no more than you would have at the top (perhaps even less)...all that is happening here is that his hands (or upper right arm) are chasing his try a few swing where you keep your right hip leading your upper right arm
Chad's position looks a bit under-rotated...
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for the pic..upload pic to a website somewhere, then surround the url between the img tags (except you need the url of a jpg...)

so[ /img]

looks like this:

Thanks for the help dbl. I am still confused about something. Where did you get the address "" from?

When I click on the image in my putfile folder I get "" as the address? Obviously when I inserted that page address with the "insert picture" feature, it didn't work.

Am I just really slow?

thanks again

edit: I figured it out. When you right click on the photo and go to properties it gives you the link you provided.
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