So I've been playing for around 5 years and got myself down to an 8 HCP flipping it all over the course before finding this site (and a few others) and purchasing CFF. I've started with some with some of the drills from the video and finally have been able to hit some solid chips and pitches without hitting the ground about 5 inches behind the ball using a forward ball position.
I was doing some mirror work (a mirror is the best peice of golf equipment I've ever purchased, just wish I had done it before a couple of weeks ago) yesterday, specifically trying to groove solid impact position and I noticed that my left wrist was cupped at the top of the backswing, which is not at all what my "feel" has been (and I've definitely read up on some of the comments on the differences between feel and reality, so this doesn't come as a surprise). I started trying to cock the wrist correctly and end up with a flat left wrist at the top, which gave the feel of being more flat, though my hands are no lower than they have been. Took that feel to the range last night and hit shots far better than I can ever remember (as far as contact). I was hitting slight pushes with everything unless I really tried to manipulate the clubface, but the trajectory was much better and I just seemed to have more of the club on the ground after the ball was hit and my divots were a lot more wide and shallow than normal. This was without even thinking about impact position, only trying to have the wrists cocked correctly at the top.
So there is my question. Is getting into a better position at the top the main ingredient in having a solid impact position?
I was doing some mirror work (a mirror is the best peice of golf equipment I've ever purchased, just wish I had done it before a couple of weeks ago) yesterday, specifically trying to groove solid impact position and I noticed that my left wrist was cupped at the top of the backswing, which is not at all what my "feel" has been (and I've definitely read up on some of the comments on the differences between feel and reality, so this doesn't come as a surprise). I started trying to cock the wrist correctly and end up with a flat left wrist at the top, which gave the feel of being more flat, though my hands are no lower than they have been. Took that feel to the range last night and hit shots far better than I can ever remember (as far as contact). I was hitting slight pushes with everything unless I really tried to manipulate the clubface, but the trajectory was much better and I just seemed to have more of the club on the ground after the ball was hit and my divots were a lot more wide and shallow than normal. This was without even thinking about impact position, only trying to have the wrists cocked correctly at the top.
So there is my question. Is getting into a better position at the top the main ingredient in having a solid impact position?