Tour Flippers

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I noticed that in "Confessions" BM alluded to the fact that there were some tour players or former tour players that timed the flip well enough to play professionally.

I am no good at the interweb, so does anyone have any pics of these tour flippers? I am very curious to know.

Would you classify Phil as a flipper? I would throw him into that category based on the fact that he actually moves away from the ball on the downswing, as opposed to most players who move slightly towards the ball on the way down. Vijay has a tendancy to do this as well.


Brian Manzella


Phil no flip.

I also think Phil is really far from a flipper since his hands get way ahead of the ball on his irons as well. A lot of downcock in Phil's swing like Garcia.
Yeah why would you ever think that Phil was a flipper???

Obviously my thoughts of what a flipper is are different than the common thought here. I am still learning!! :)

Phil, to me, chases the ball down the target line much more than someone such as David Toms, so I guess it would be much more correct to classify him as a Swinger as opposed to David Toms' hitter?

(I am fairly new to The Golfing Machine and am certainly trying to learn as much as I can!)


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Obviously my thoughts of what a flipper is are different than the common thought here. I am still learning!! :)

Phil, to me, chases the ball down the target line much more than someone such as David Toms, so I guess it would be much more correct to classify him as a Swinger as opposed to David Toms' hitter?

(I am fairly new to The Golfing Machine and am certainly trying to learn as much as I can!)


They are both swingers, what makes David Toms look like he swings so much further "left" than others is because he comes down (in his downswing) the turned shoulder plane (just like phil btw) however in the "through swing" (after impact) David swings on the ELBOW PLANE however Phil continues UP the turned shoulder plane.

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Impact Fall Out v Flipping

Impact Fall Out is different to being a flipper. The imperitives must be maintained only through impact to seperation after that it is up to preferences. However I would sure prefer that club be up my left arm for as long as possible eg. Gregg McHatton, Lee Trevino etc. :cool:
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