Tour Pros that use vertical angle hinge putting?

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Does anyone know which Tour Pros use a vertical angled hinge putting stroke like Brian and The Sheriff teach?

vertical angled hinge putting stroke doesnt exist.

vertical hinge putting = face staying square to the target line throughout the entire stroke. straight back straight through

angled hinge putting = face stays 90* to the arc of the stroke. the arc type stroke

please rephrase question
tongzilla's comments

I would say a Vertical Hinging putting stroke does exist, and is being used on Tour. There are numerous putters who keep the face square six inches before and after impact. That's enough for me to call it Vertical Hinging. Remember what Vertical Hinging really is -- the "hinge pin" in your shoulder is mounted perpendicularly to a Vertical plane. Your forearms or clubshaft does not need to be vertical. Only your upper arm needs to be. For a short putt that where the putter head doesn't go past the outside of your right foot, it is very possible to achieve Vertical Hinging without manual manipulation.
I'm not sure what Brian actually calls it, but The Sheriff produces/trains it. I know it's not straight back and straight through. I also have a Putting Arc and I know The Sheriff stroke does not feel or look like the stroke that I get using the Putting Arc (which is an arc stroke), therefore, I guess The Sheriff stroke is a form/type of "arc stroke".
Thanks for both links and you're right, it looks like Loren Robert's does use The Sheriff stroke.
Thanks again,
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