I recently bought "Tour Tempo" which discusses the concept of tempo in the golf swing and it presents a concept that I have never seen before. It presents findings that good golf swings have a "tempo" with a ratio of 3 to 1. Three beats back and 1 beat through. I found that I added distance when I used the concept and I can understand why.
It seems that if your backswing is too slow (despite the basic assertions of many teachers that you can't take the club away too slowly) it allows manipulations to creep into the swing. A faster backswing allows the body to react and control the club and also to help get clubhead lag by promoting the lower body move to the target while the upper body/club is still moving back.
I'm curious how the experts in TGM assess the concept. There is a website www.tourtempo.com
It seems that if your backswing is too slow (despite the basic assertions of many teachers that you can't take the club away too slowly) it allows manipulations to creep into the swing. A faster backswing allows the body to react and control the club and also to help get clubhead lag by promoting the lower body move to the target while the upper body/club is still moving back.
I'm curious how the experts in TGM assess the concept. There is a website www.tourtempo.com