dunno the true answer to that. I'll let you know next year
There are some that will say that outside the line is not really a bad thing. The Italian dude will say that there are hall of famers that do exactly that and there's nothing wrong with that. Even tho you may be outside the line w/respect to the mat, extend the red line out to infinity by matching it to base of a wall, and follow it to where your hands are at the top. See where the lazer touches or where it is relative to the extended line at that point. If it touches the base of the wall or that extended imaginary line, you've got a shift, but on plane. Just a couple to a few ways to get to the top and I don't think there is an ideal way to get there.
You already know your tendencies and where the ball goes, and how you would like to improve. So, see if the adjustments made with the lazer has on overall affect on your ball flight. For you, it's more of an "up" thing. See what happens to the ball after playing with the lazer. If the results are something you can measure, then I say it's worth its weight...
I think the lazer can be manipulated to fit a particular pattern. But, if the goal is to repeat a swing, then it has its purpose whether that means tracing the true plane line or a personal and creative plane line.
I tend to swing at full speed and watch the red blur and if I am close to it, I'm ok with it. Initially, I worked at it probably like you will. But now, after a few minutes of plane tracing, it's moving on to something more important for my game,,,throwing a few balls down on the mat and rolling a few to 50 or so in the hole!