Trackman crazy??

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Is it me or is this place going Trackman crazy? It seems like 85% of the posts are about Trackman. What made this site great is that Brian would take complicated issues and make them simple. Like using a size 11 shoe to make your swing better. Now it's a bunch of numbers that get spit out by a machine. Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, just wondering if anyone else is feeling the same way? Ok, end of worthless post.
Yeah definately the vast majority of people don't have a trackman, in my country i think there about 10 pros with a trackman.
Another thing is that people talk about trackman but there aren't many reports about SAM puttlab which is odd considering putting is far more important than ball striking.


While I tend to agree that there have been a lot of posts lately about Trackman it seems to help me make sense of a lot of the things people have talked about for a long time.

I have never been on a Trackman nor do I see it in my near future due to time and $$. It is very interesting to me though in terms of what my ball flight is telling me and adjustments I might need to make.

It may seem tedious but to me it is all necessary discussion if we are to fully understand this. I do wish I had one closer to me.



There is a Trackman near Ann Arbor and Kevin Shields is in Pittsburg.


I am holding out for Louisville this fall. If I get toward any of the other in the near future I will make a point of stopping. Just to get my numbers if nothing else. Thanks for the heads up.
You can still make a new post about whatever you'd like curtis or call me for breaking down something that is confusing ya :)

Thanks Jim, and others. Not trying to complain, just a different "feel" around here since I've returned after a several month period. I understand it gives a huge amount of stats that were never available before. It just doesn't do much for the ave Joe like me. Hopefully some day I can enjoy a good Trackman discussion about MY numbers. :)
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