mix of prov, cally i, Penta. NO range balls.
But, whats your point?
only when you are looking for an iron shot that has rollYes, that and landing angle seem to be sub-optimal to me. Not sure whats causing this...
different balls so you will see different launch angles, diff. spin etc.... Don't mix when trying to find a pattern and fit.
As said before i'm more into club data when fitting so your data has no meaning to me. even the carry, it looks nice but no side data so that 179.5 could be 80 left and the 180.2 could be 80 right.
Same with ball speed. Looks steady but what are the smashfactors or clubspeeds for those ball speed data? Example : Inconsistant clubspeed is a nice indication that the flex could be off, inconsistant smashfactur might be a length or weigth issue etc....
Working with Trackman Range, so it doesnt give those numbers. Spin axis is 2.9L and Side spin total is 7.8L for a sessions average of 20+ balls hit.
Thats all I got.
In any event, I need to figure out why my spin and landing decent angles are lowish....