Kevin or Chris or anyone that has a trackman:
Does lie angle effect true path? Would a club with an inappropriate very upright lie angle show less downward angle because less club is reaching the ground?
Lie angle absolutely effects True Path.
The flatter the lie angle, or Plane Angle, the more inside-out the TRUE PATH will be with THE SAME PLANE LINE and the SAME DOWNWARD ATTACK ANGLE.
Yea, I can see that. I was wondering if two swings with the same plane angle would show up with different true path data on a trackman if they had very different lie angles.
Basically, ask someone to hit a shot with properly fitted clubs, then give the same person the same club but with it bent 5 degrees flat. Would the second one have different true path numbers assuming all other parameters remain the same.
Lie angle absolutely effects True Path.
The flatter the lie angle, or Plane Angle, the more inside-out the TRUE PATH will be with THE SAME PLANE LINE and the SAME DOWNWARD ATTACK ANGLE.
yea, kevin that was my question but I stated it differntly in terms of true path vs. angle of attack because they are related.
I was just curious how trackman would compute it on poorly fit clubs.
Lie angle absolutely effects True Path.
The flatter the lie angle, or Plane Angle, the more inside-out the TRUE PATH will be with THE SAME PLANE LINE and the SAME DOWNWARD ATTACK ANGLE.