We are not dealing with measurements but with a simple mathematical model. This is a very convenient tool and often used in science. One can play with it any desirable way, and substituting reasonable values allows to explore various options.
IMO, the most desirable point of application for the trail side thrust is not the index finger but the heel pad. You want to minimize the parameter d in post #1. Your main goal is to try keep the angle as deep as possible into the down swing.
Do the following experiment. Take a double overlap grip to minimize d as much as possible and do easy 3/4 swings. You should feel a strong tendency for the lead arm / shaft angle initially to reduce in the downswing and the hands to arrive readily in front of the ball at impact.
Next normal grip and the thrust applied at the index finger. There is not as above a tendency to reduce the angle in the downswing. But you will likely ‘feel’ more clubhead velocity, a bit more swoosh, through ‘impact’.
Doing the simple experiments above you are really playing and interacting with the mathematical model and proofing for yourself the influence of the magnitude of d.
You could equally experiment with the angle of the lead arm / shaft and also with the aiming direction of the trail side thrust.
Yes, correct, it is the thrust which generates the torques. Also true that the acuteness of the lead arm / shaft angle definitely plays a role, as does the distance d between the lead and trail hand ‘connection’ points on the shaft. Have another look at post #1, specifically the parameters and the two formulas for the torques.