training aids

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out of curiousity are there any training aids that TGM people use on a regular basis? do any of you teachers actually use or recommend any training aids?


Heavy club with eyes closed, in balance
swing fan
figure 8 strap
any number of aids that give full roll - the 'pure swing' is an excellent choice
Vision track is best for outside in people. Call me at 480-332-2442 to get one.
Can of spray paint. Get people to start the divot corectly and point the divot in the RIGHT direction.
Bowling brace for left wrist. Swingyde put at 2 o'clock position.This aid helps swingers keep left wrist radially in line.
Your own A.I.
The 3 Golfing Machine Web sites.
Mark Eversheds Right Wrist clicker.
Homer's 67 hrs of audio of master class's
Brians videos---- His under standing of the millions of golfers hurt by an open face on backswing has helped my students the most. TWISTAWAY!!!!!
A-star or C-swing.
Cancel your Golf Digest and golf channel subscription.
LooK.LooK. Look.
Those are the best teaching aids.
Do any of you have Ben Doyle's mat? I'm seriously considering breaking down and getting it.

I've been missing a very important point that I believe the mat would have cleared up for me. I've done a good job of getting my hands in front of the club at impact, however I was breaking the plane line to do it. The hands need to be in front, but are starting to move back in an around as they stay on plane, I had too much out in my swing.


quote:Originally posted by denny.

Cancel your Golf Digest and golf channel subscription.
LooK.LooK. Look.
Those are the best teaching aids.

Yeah, but it is fun to see them begin to use TGM while dancing around the legal issues....

I heard "educated hands" just the other day ;) (a re-run from several months ago).

Heck, even Jim Flick had a good show this season in which he used quite a few TGM bits of knowledge that I'd not seen him do in the past. Hall has had some good exposure in the 'mags' too.

No doubt the boards are having their influence. I'm looking forward to seeing Doyle, Manzella and Blake on TGC very soon.....

It's about time folks... ;)
quote:Originally posted by DD639

Get the mat. Get the mat. Get the mat. Worth every penny. His newest version is great.

The story goes that Tom Kite was introduced to the mat by Ben, and was mesmerized by it, obviously seeing something that he hadn't realized in many yrs on tour. Apparently, he agreed to buy one, but not willing to wait took Ben's away from him.
quote:Cancel your Golf Digest and golf channel subscription.

I think you have gone overboard with this suggestion, did I ever ask you to cancel your comedy central? Where else can you combine two great things such as golf and laughter. I love the leadbetter infomercial about the crapsetter, and the classic is the new one about stretching and the two cheek position, all the shile the camera angle is not downline but somewhere around 20-30 degrees. Oh and dont forget the one with the awesome wedges where they talk about a conventional wedge, then hit a shot with it with a hacker swing and no finish, then hit with the latest and greatest and put a real swing on that and hit the ball oh so pure and credit the wedge for that.

so next time you make a suggestion try and realize whet you are actually asking


quote:Originally posted by c21heel

The Ben Doyle Matt looks interesting, but $300 is a lot of money. Any used ones out there;).

Get into the sand trap (Yoda showed me this) draw a line with your club (perpendicular to plane line). Make small swings focusing on creating a nice divot that starts at the line and NOT before it (hitting fat, or releasing early). This will help foster the basic acquired motion.


Skip any practice aid you can't get at Home Depot. Bill McKinney gets big dividends with a 3' piece of 2x4.

Most bang for your practice time = chipping and mirror work


quote:Originally posted by rwh

Skip any practice aid you can't get at Home Depot. Bill McKinney gets big dividends with a 3' piece of 2x4.

Most bang for your practice time = chipping and mirror work

Indeed.... a broom and a mop can teach quite a lot ;)


I can't believe nobody posted dowel rods. Dowel Rods, The Impact Bag, The Mirror, and my video camera have become everyday staples for lessons.

Also I will use a foam yellow ballor or plastic ball(you can get these at Wal-Mart in the golf section) to take the students focus off of hitting the ball at times.

Sorting throught the Instructor's Textbook.

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