out of curiousity are there any training aids that TGM people use on a regular basis? do any of you teachers actually use or recommend any training aids?
quote:Originally posted by denny.
Cancel your Golf Digest and golf channel subscription.
quote:Originally posted by denny.
Cancel your Golf Digest and golf channel subscription.
LooK.LooK. Look.
Those are the best teaching aids.
quote:Originally posted by DD639
Get the mat. Get the mat. Get the mat. Worth every penny. His newest version is great.
quote:Cancel your Golf Digest and golf channel subscription.
quote:Originally posted by c21heel
The Ben Doyle Matt looks interesting, but $300 is a lot of money. Any used ones out there.
quote:Originally posted by rwh
Skip any practice aid you can't get at Home Depot. Bill McKinney gets big dividends with a 3' piece of 2x4.
Most bang for your practice time = chipping and mirror work