Trevino, Couples, Furyk

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Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Because in 3rd grade recess on the schoolyard, all three woud have been picked first in just about any sport (except basketball for Lee:D)
Because in 3rd grade recess on the schoolyard, all three woud have been picked first in just about any sport (except basketball for Lee:D)

I can't imagine anyone picking furyk for any other sport. Trevino's loop really wasn't that much of one. He didnt really even take it that far outside considering how open his stance was. A lot of younger tour players that have the "hips too fast on the downswing" problem could learn a thing from ole Lee. Instead of trying to slow those hips down, why not build your swing around them and turn a negative into a positive?
your seeing 47 yearold bald furyk... not the tall kid who clearly is a gifted athlete...

what makes you think furyk is a gifted athlete? sure hes an elite golfer, but that doesn't make you an athlete. Is Tim Herron a gifted athlete? How about John Daly? Kevin Stadler?

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Future, why the doubt? I knew Furyk from high school. He was a multi sport player and a good one. Couples was a baseball prospect in Washington. The question had nothing at all with this forum's favorite punching bag, Tim Herron. Every time there is a question about golfer's being athletes, someone always brings up Tim Herron.

How in the hell do you know that Tim Herron wasn't a good football player growing up? He wasn't always that fat. In the sixties, Nicklaus' fat had fat. Yet he was a 3 sport athlete who was going tp play other collegiate sports.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Here's my answer:

Trevino fought a hook, he figured out that he aimed left enough and took it "outside" enough he could drop it back in and still fade it; rest is history.

A good teaching friend of mine played with Couples in college, he too fought a hook. From what my friend told me, he watched Trevino's video that he made way back and he talked about he cured his hook by aiming way left and taking it more out/up and swinging out. Couples tried it and the rest is history.

As for Fuyrk, no idea.

Hope that helps

HK stated, "feel no concern for the perfect stroke there are trillions of precision patterns with totally correct alignments and relationships, perfect for some application or preference."
Here's my answer:

Trevino fought a hook, he figured out that he aimed left enough and took it "outside" enough he could drop it back in and still fade it; rest is history.

A good teaching friend of mine played with Couples in college, he too fought a hook. From what my friend told me, he watched Trevino's video that he made way back and he talked about he cured his hook by aiming way left and taking it more out/up and swinging out. Couples tried it and the rest is history.

As for Fuyrk, no idea.

Hope that helps

Do you remember the name of that Trevino video? I have his "tips" videos but have not heard of any in depth instruction from him other than his book.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Do you remember the name of that Trevino video? I have his "tips" videos but have not heard of any in depth instruction from him other than his book.

I'd have to ask him, if was either a video he saw or it could have been something he saw Trevino said. Next time i see him online i will but it isn't that often
I'd have to ask him, if was either a video he saw or it could have been something he saw Trevino said. Next time i see him online i will but it isn't that often

thanks. Trevino is one of my favorites. Too bad he didnt play current equipment or he surely wouldve completed the career grand slam.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
thanks. Trevino is one of my favorites. Too bad he didnt play current equipment or he surely wouldve completed the career grand slam.

Hmmm. Interesting point. May be right. Never thought about it that way. A Zach Johnson type might not have the ball flight to compete at Augusta with the old equipment.


Back on guess . when I do the loop myself,it's very difficult for me to flip it. it seems to put my hands in a good place at impact.
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