Trip to New Orleans...lessons with Brian M.

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One of my students here in AZ. has a leakage problem(bent left wrist at impact.So we went to the world's greatest N.O. After 5 hrs. of work we are glad we went. After we take bandages off in a couple weeks will let you know if he is better.Brian took us to a couple local restaurants and is great fun to talk with. Thanks Brian....Would like him to come to Mesa AZ.this winter to do some clinics.Martee might come up from Green Valley .[8D]
First Brian is spending big bucks for a new yard(every thing sinks in Narluns).Then married !!!!!!!! Then he can pick a couple few days any time this winter DEC. JAN. when ever . Maybe I will invite local top 100 teachers to a contest.Flick .Kostis ,Both Labauves m.s. Kurkendahl can't spell em .Malaska and others .Every teacher work with each student .
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