Trouble finding MY pattern

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i am having trouble finding a pattern for me. i try the information in nsa, and maybe im not doing something right because i hit high hooks. I also have worked on nha priciples then my ball flight becomes pushes and big block not sure what i should be trying to do. i think a lot about pivot and am becoming increasingly frustrated on the proper feel. typically i think of my ribcage turning left and arms following their lead, while aiming my hands somewhere in front of the ball. am i trying to do too much??? help me please!!!!

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
You have a problem swinging too far to the right. This is evidenced by the high hooks using NSA and the blocks by trying to use NHA.

More than likely you just need to learn to swing more on plane to begin straigtening out your shots.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Keep watching NHA and do the pattern as it is described. You essentially are "busting through the wall" as Brian says in the video.

I would suggest starting with some chips and pitches and setup a real "wall" outside the ball. Then start hitting those chips and pitches straight without hitting that "wall." Then slowly move up to longer swings.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
so i have to swing left of the wall? the clubface doesnt turn over?

Yes the clubface can turnover or it doesn't have to. Either face condition is OK. However for you, fixing the path is more important than the face.

In YOUR CASE, fix the path and then if the ball isn't going where you need it to then we fix the face. However what you will find out is that you will probably need a lot less "clubface turnover" once you get on plane.
i went and practiced a little bit, and i cant stp coming over the top. pop up drives etc. how do i remedy that?
still struggling

Im still having a problem with which pattern i should be using. NHA makes me pop drives and come over the top and hit weak fades with my irons. Maybe I should do more NSA, but that has me hitting high hooks. I really could use some advice. thanks.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
If any of you are hitting pop ups after trying NHA you are not letting the club drop enough before you are rotating. Everything has to drop including the right shoulder.
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