Trouble with open face at impact

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I've been struggling all year with my golf swing and have finally got back to the point where I'm making good impact but my clubface is wide open so everything is flying right. This is especially true with my driver as I can't square the club face to save my life it seems. I took a lesson this week where my instructor would tell me when to start closing the clubface, he was having me do it right before starting my downswing and I was hitting nice draws with my 8 iron but still couldn't do it with the driver.

Does anyone have any tips for this problem?

Had the same problem with my driver too before Brian and his forum changed everything.
What i do now:
- Close stance so i'm aiming very right of the target.
- Ball at the heel of my lead foot (up in stance)
- Clubface square to the target. A little closed is better than a little open.
- Swing up and swing to the right field (in-out).
Never Slice Again has about 10 tips for squaring the clubface. Twist-away and Wedding ring up are two off the top of my head.
For me the open face (i used to have) was the result of not understanding the downswing correctly. Never Slice Again is a great video and I learned something from all of Brian's videos, but it wasn't until I learned how to really release the club that the NSA video really sunk in. The best drill, in my opinion, you can do is the back and forth drill where you are really focusing on getting the club out in front of you. Feel like you are just throwing all the weight of the club right out towards the ball and you will not only develop speed and rythm, but also an automatically squaring face.
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