Tub Pivot?

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This is somewhat embarrassing, but what's the web for and there are no pictures to upload. . . .
I've been a swayer from way back and am trying to reform in the direction of a more centered backswing. I took a shower last night after a less than stellar session at the range. It's a shower tub and standing facing the water with my feet about shoulder width apart right up against the sides of the tub, I took a back swing and found that the walls of the tub kept me from swaying and forced me to make a different kind of hip turn. Is this the kind of turn one wants to make?
yes that's the idea and.....in order for your shoulders to rotate without moving your head your pivot has to stay centered....this is the advantage of the so called "stack and tilt" swing....less timing issues if your weight stays centered or even "leftward"...the swing becomes a pure rotation of the shoulders...
Now, to get this new feeling engrained in your coconut, play your next 36 holes in the buck. Good luck and tell us how you do!

This is golf, and a golfer has to do what a golfer has to do...
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