"The right shoulder travels down plane regardless of what plane the shaft is on."
I didn't say it didn't, in fact I said it does that past separation.
"No, you don't have to grip the club in the cup of your right hand to have the shaft on plane with the elbow and forearm."
At address position, with a right hand finger grip, viewed from down-the-line, the shaft cannot line up with the right forearm, even with #3 zeroed out.
"Number 3 does not have to be zeroed out."
Yes it does in order for the shaft to remain in line with right forearm BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER impact - rather than at just one instance somewhere in the swing, like impact. Hand roll has to be eliminated - #3 Throwout.
"And, to zero out #3 you would grip it in the cup of the left, uncock the left wrist or vertical hinge."
You can zero out #3 with a left hand finger grip.