"Tush Line"...

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Is it more important to...

1. Keep the "tush line" the ENTIRE swing?

2. Move to a different position (usually inward in the downswing if anything, I think) and maintain THAT, for however long. (probably provided your path is also OK, that is)

3. Something else.


I know what I think at this point...and what this smart Manzella Forum will likely produce...but I could be totally wrong...and do welcome all responses.....yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Tongzilla: "Discuss."

Cletus: "Discus??"


"Naw mannnn...! Discuss! Discuss!!!"

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'Helical Axises' is the groovy term for moving centers. The moral of the story is that without movement, momentum transfer is sacrificed. This may offer the feeling of control, but we need to remember that to have true control we must give up over-control.
Because of the S shape of the spine, it moves a few inches here and there.
birdieman - when you posted the picture of the discus thrower, were you just making a play on words or were you thinking about axis of rotation and where that lies in relation to the thrower's body? Or a hammer thrower's, for that matter? Or even a golfers?
'Helical Axises' is the groovy term for moving centers. The moral of the story is that without movement, momentum transfer is sacrificed. This may offer the feeling of control, but we need to remember that to have true control we must give up over-control.
Because of the S shape of the spine, it moves a few inches here and there.

Far out man.

I think I get momentum transfer. You need to pull back before you can most effectively run up and jump?

Can you explain more on "S shape...moves a few inches..." Bill?

birdieman - when you posted the picture of the discus thrower, were you just making a play on words or were you thinking about axis of rotation and where that lies in relation to the thrower's body? Or a hammer thrower's, for that matter? Or even a golfers?

I wasn't!

But that is genius.

It was just a play on words birly.

And I picked the goofiest looking picture I could find! :)

(just like the two cartoony Sausage People)

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