Twistaway on Downswing

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Hi all, i've been experimenting with the twistaway that Brian describes and have had really good results in stopping throwaway and really compressing the ball (especially with wedges which i've found hardest to control).

I don't normally have a really open clubface at the top so it seems that the twistaway is helping me with the downswing - retaining a bent right wrist when i get to about waist high whereas without twistaway i start to lose the right wrist bend slightly at this point.

2 Questions - If you've got a good clubface position at the top what would cause it to open on the downstroke? and is there a problem using twistaway to resolve it ?


Brian Manzella

Great question!

Lots of things will cause CLUBFACES that are "so called square" (really 90° open) at the top to STAY open or NOT SQUARE UP enough OR open even more! on the downswing.

Too much loading from the pivot without an 'equal' amount of twistaway, being high on the list.

But the posibilities are endless.

Just twistaway, and you'll be fine as long as your hip lead the hands and the hands lead a SLIGHTLY OPEN clubface into the ball.
Thanks Brian for your response and the great site.

Looking at video with the twistaway on the downstroke i get the clubshaft and right forearm in line about half way down (elbow plane i think it is called) and in a nice position to attack the inside of the ball. Without twistaway at the same point the clubhead is more out in front of me and i can only hit the outside aft of the ball.

This is the exact problem I have got, this is a habbit I get into quite often. I kind of lose my right wrist bend around impact and can often cause me to catch the ball slightly fat. I have been doing the RFT takeaway and ive tried twistaway many times as well on the range. I found I krept into a habbit at address where my hands were slightly behind the ball, so I corrected that but now my swing thought (now ive got the RFT and twistaway combined together naturally into my backswing ) is to ATTACK THE BALL! When I think this, my weight gets fully to my left side at impact and my hands stay ahead of the clubface all the way through. Now this part of swing is sorted I need to stop my swing path which is going to the right :-(!
I videoed my swing just now, and I know now HOW i get into this habbit at impact. My backswing always seems to be pretty decent, sqaure clubface, sometimes abit rounded but everything is square and 70% of the time on plane, but all of my troubles always are in the downswing, and its when I drop the club inside and my timing has to be perfect for me to hit the ball solid. I either catch it fat or I have to hang back and lose my right wrist bend to hit the ball cleanly.
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