Twistaway only for a driver...?

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Dariusz J.

New member in the title: does anybody use twistaway (NSA pattern) for a driver only ? I am just getting more familiar with this concept and have drawn a conclusion that I need it only for a driver (except driver shots that require fades)...since I like my fade with irons but I generally want to get rid of fade with a driver.
Is it odd ? Someone thinks similarily to me here ?


P.S. For those who remember me as a golfer who can't play fade shots because of my too inside downswing - it's just history. Thanks to some great instructors (including Brian M. and his great plane towel drill) I've finally learnt to play fades that I dreamt of. However, my drives also have changed...and I prefer my slight draws before - but with the driver only !
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I'm just curious if you are the same Dariusz that I have talked to many times on JH's forum? If so welcome back I left that stuff about 2 weeks ago. My swing is finally were I like it to be.

As far as your question if you are talented enough to pull off 2 different kind of swings, IMO knock yourself out. I prefer to have 1 swing type only!

Dariusz J.

New member
Yes, Jimmy, the same :)

Back to the question - I really hate to have 2 kinds of swings. However, the twistaway concept for a driver seems more attractive (smaller change) to me for the moment than e.g. limiting my body turn with hands swing in order to reduct fade pattern.



If you need twistaway for the driver, but not your irons, I wonder if either your irons are too upright or your driver is too flat?

Dariusz J.

New member
Leek, my irons are bent 2 degrees flat already...while the driver's lie remained unchanged as you probably guess...;)

I have touched this topic of twistaway for a driver only simply because I need to tame my fade attern only for drives...and, as I said, it appears to me as an attractive way to achieve it. But I admit that it's my idea only and wanted to confirm here on the Forum full of experts if I am onto something or totally out of base with this one.


Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I can totally understand if you need it for the driver only. Some people stay either centered or "cover" the ball better with their irons and with it don't have the same clubface issues as with the driver. A little axis tilt or even a bit of hangback with the driver can send that club open and underplane. So the twistaway concept or downarching could definately help.
I think that you have found a great way to control your clubface to get the ball to do what you are wanting it to do. Twistaway was developed because slicers have the face of the club too open and that move closes the face which is what you are wanting compared to your iron ball flight. Small, simple adjustments that bring about the desired effect are great. Furyk squares his front foot to hit a draw, pretty simple.
I appreciate your enthusiasm for your new swing. I couldn't hit a fade to save my life and then I went and worked with Brian. It sure is a lot more fun to play golf again when you have control of the golf ball. Keep up the good work.

Jim S.

p.s. If Brian or any of his staff post anything conflicting with what I have posted, obviously listen to them.
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