quote:Originally posted by diggerdog
If I waggle a little twistaway, where clubface stays vertical to its plane, then swivel through impact, then my next shot is played from Alabama instead of my native Georgia, and I swore I would never go back to Alabama after divorcing my cousin. Help. Do I weaken the grip to Brian's definition of neutral? Back off the twist some, or swivel less or later or both or all the above?
Would Alabama be left? So you want to hit more towards West Virginia?
If it's left. You may want to check how much the of the heel of you left hand is on the club. My AI ECox tweeked this on my grip and I stopped hooking it. There's a post on this forum or Chuck's that explains the logic. It goes something like this . . .
You should only have a little #3 angle to roll thru impact. The #3 angle is established at fix. So put the club just a sidgeon under the heel of the left hand. Too much means large #3 angle so your and the release must be earlier to accomodate a longer roll through impact. And that would mean lower clubhead speed. So grip more towards the cup.
This is paraphrasing from Yoda. I printed this out, didn't print out the thread title.
E showed me how if you have too much heel pad on the grip when you look down on your hands at address you don't see the whole cap of the grip. But when you get it right you can see the whole cap.
Not only does this help with your #3 angle, but it will also help if you have the clubface "shut" at the top.
Hope this will help. I'm no AI, but this is what has helped me.
By the way . . . How does your cousin look.