Ugly swing but works

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How wrong does it look? and if the golfer/player is ok with the results why change, unless the golfer/player levels off scoring wise and the only way to improve is to change.
coz he's never happy with his swing LOL. dunno what to tell him. He wants to look like one of those perfect swing model.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
He can't be helped. There are a lot of people like this.

"I don't like the way that looks"

"But a lot of people play top level golf with that move"

"OK, so how do we fix it?"


I have coined a term, ready "golf swing dismorfic syndrome" I think I spelled dismorfic wrong.
Exactly Kevin. I had a guy today, pretty good player, and at one point I made the comment, " Jim Furyk has that same move". His response, "oh God please fix that, I don't want that swing."


I think my swing is ugly too, but its mine and I kinda know what Im doing except when I get my SD mixed up with NHA or NSA while trying to implement IOTR.
I wonder how many players pros included would play far better and have more fun if they never worried about or looked at video.
What if Tiger was never allowed to see videos????


I was so dissapointed when I got a good look at my swing. In my minds eye what I saw is not what showed up on video. I did change/chaneging 1 thing, taking too much inside on the takeaway.


On the other hand you can have a swing that "looks nice," or one that is really smooth looking but have very inconsistent contact, bad control of the face, etc.

I am a textbook example of that.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
This post is why i don't use video; people only pick out whats wrong with their swings OR they focus on how it looks and not the results. I make them focus on what the ball does.
I know a golfer like the one Jen describes. Rarely gets to play, but whenever he does, shoots better scores than he probably should given the lay off. Swing is really, REALLY flat (flatter-than-Kuchar flat), really short, with a really sweepy-looking release. He hits it long high and solid, and doesn't need to hit many balls. But when he saw his swing, he immediately tried to change it, but not for improved results. His exact words were, "I hit it fine, I just don't like the way it looks."

I'll take ugly and effective over pretty and ineffective any day of the week.


The business area of the golf swing is impact to separation. The rest is purely cosmetics.

Master this bit and disregard how you got there.
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