UK Manzella/TGM Day

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Following on from the possible bringing of BM across the pond...

Anyone up for a meet up/game here in the UK this summer?
We could perhaps discuss in a bit of detail logistics of a Manzella Academy over here.....

Doesn't have to be in london.....

Anyone interested post here or PM me....


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Following on from the possible bringing of BM across the pond...

Anyone up for a meet up/game here in the UK this summer?
We could perhaps discuss in a bit of detail logistics of a Manzella Academy over here.....

Doesn't have to be in london.....

Anyone interested post here or PM me....



Is your last name Keenan by any chance;)

Im sorry, I had to say that... considering your from the UK and you would hopefuly know what Im talking about.
Me too Gareth would be great to play with other forum members. I know Burner and GolfBulldog from the forum already.
You need to think on a larger scale

If Brian comes over this means a lot of effort (flight costs=600 Euros, travel time=2*11hours*200 Dollar, jet lag=unpayable..). Therefore you can't just do one or probably two events in GB. I think there should be sort of a "Eurotour". Especially when you think about all the low cost airlines we have(Ryan Air, German Wings,...)that get you from a to b in very short time. Then the effort of hopping over the pond could be the main factor and could be split through the different groups and wouldn't be such a big problem for Brian.

I'm living near Straßburg (just over the Rhine river-20 minutes from the airport which is reachable from many major cities in Europe for less than 50 Euros) and I think we might do the Germany stop here. The practice facilities in the area are perfect for the project
The location can be seen at

Please keep me informed about your plans,

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That sounds like a plan....

Brian Manzella....European Tour 2009 :cool:

Only real difficulty would be getting the money together guaranteed.

Would an idea be once a date and time sorted, before flights are booked people pay in advance???
I live in Luxembourg and you could do it at my club as the Pro at my club teaches Golf Machine and is a big fan of Brian
Count me in for anywhere in Germany or Luxembourg! I know a couple of Pros here in Northwest Germany who are also TGM guys and have been to a couple of other GSED's, who NEED to, and I'm sure would like to be exposed to The Manzella Matrix.

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