Underhand Pitch motion and Feel

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Geometry of the Circle, 2-N-0 Clubhead Line of Sight .

Well I never really noticed the second page of this section. Well its pretty illuminating.

"Proper Clubhead control is dependent on coordinating the Downstroke Hip Turn with the selected Right Elbow Position(10-3), Motion(6-B-1) and Path (7-3), to avoid collisions as well as for Balance and Axis Tilt."
"There must be an Underhand Pitch motion and Feel. If there isn't you are "Roundhousing"-lifting the Hands(Flat Shoulder Turn) and/or the Clubhead(Steering) "Off Line" during the Start Down"

The often mentioned underhand pitch motion and feel never worked for me because I waited too long in the DS. Based on photos and pics demonstrating this 'tip', including Brian's article, I always assumed(or misinterpreted) one inititated that motion and feel when the arms were at chest to waist level and below. Well, whenever I tried rock skipping or underhand pitching, or slapping the ball with my right forefinger, etc, my path was always outside in. If you combine HK's last two sentences above, it would then state that there must be an 'Underhand Pitch motion and feel from the Start Down to avoid "Roundhousing" '.

Now if you combine all the above, then you get a hands controlled pivot.

I am making and educated guess that anytime I have had those periods of competent to excellent ballstriking, I have unknowingly been sustaining the lag onplane with that Underhand Pitch motion and feel from the Start Down. This is for every type of backswing method I have experimented with.

Just practicing on a carpet, I can see the inside-in-inside blur of the clubhead, and I can feel the heavyness of the hands and #3 PP immmediately at Start Down and continuously thoguhout the downstroke. Also, I can feel my right hipo getting out of the way to clear a path for that Underhand Pitch motion and Feel from Start Down. Of course my psychological enemy , the ball, isn't there so this may not work on the range, which I won't have time to go to until next Wednesday.

Will a bowling analogy work here?
Am I tripping?
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