Update....Best Approach to Improvement...Thanks!!

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Brian wrote:

FOR 300...

1) A pull is my miss (over the top)
Brian: Did you know that you are supposed to LOOK AT and HIT the inside-back of the ball?

If you can't do it by looking and aiming you are using an incorrect shoulder 'motion.'

Try to make your left shoulder go UP to start the downswing and make your right shoulder go toward the same inside-back of the ball as the clubhead should.

If still can't...make sure your TAILBONE is closer to the target then your NECK BONE at and THROUGH impact.

2) I overswing at the top (right arm bent too far, some right wrist break-down)
Brian: Make sure you feel like your right arm is stretching your left arm away from you the WHOLE SWING.

3) Sometimes have the "chicken wing" blocking action (probably as a way of compensating for the pulls and trying to get the path to go further right than left)
Brian: ROLL your left forearm AS FAR AS YOU CAN through impact to two/thirds of the way to the finish. Don't worry about hooks or pulls, if these result, make sure you are doing #1 and #2 above AND your HANDS stay ahead of your clubhead through imapct!!

4) Elvis Presley has nothing on me....overactive leg drive on the forward swing
Brian: Sounds like you need to read this month article...THE PIVOT.
Other than that, make sure your feet ARE MOVED...they don't MOVE...get it?

5) Tempo
Brian: To control your speed practice this drill...Make a full swing FULL SPEED, then make a full swing 3/4ths speed (ball should fly 3/4ths distance, do the same for 1/2 and 1/4th...very difficult...but it WORKS!

Give us the report! :)


1st I thought a lot about what items 1-5 above are trying to get me to achieve. Internalized the fact that they, in part, focus on a stable body, on-plane swing (inside path on the downswing), and proper clubhead rotation through the ball. All in the context of good tempo.

Went to the range with the objective of swinging through the inside back of the ball as I rotate the left arm through. Started out my "warm up" just swinging and rotating the left arm back and forth, no ball. Left hand turn down was my thought. Then I did some tempo drills of hitting my 6 iron 100 yards, then 125.

At first I was pushing shots to the right, which I had been doing lately in my attempts to rid myself of the pulls. So I focused more on left arm rotation through. I mixed these swings with a few 6 iron tempo drills throughout to ensure my tempo supported the swinging action...

The result....(only purchased a small 30 bucket of balls, to Force me to focus and do more practice swings that hitting balls)....Hit the last 15 balls with a beautiful draw with my 5 iron....I mean, gorgeous shots!

Didnt to the right arm pushings yet, didnt worry about my legs yet (although the swinging to the inside back of the ball with left arm rotation really helped my to stay "behind the ball" at impact), but, so far, par excellence. Thanks again Brian.
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