update, for those who are interested

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It has been six weeks or so since I have started working with john, and becoming aquainted with TGM. while I cannot say everything is cured, there is progress. Homer suggest starting small and working your way up, essentially working from green to tee. as of now my chipping technique is spot on, I chipped 75 balls last night and chunked one. This last weekend I did some video taping of myself hitting half swing pw's and my impact position is great, with hands ahead and forward shaft lean. That is something I had never, in 4+ years of golfing, been able to do consistently, even on half shots. When I saw it on tape at impact I was excited. This weekend when I was inside of 50 yards I got up and down 9-13 times, some of those were for bogey but I still only needed two shots inside 50 :) When I take full swing I am still having problems with forward shaft lean and hands ahead cause old habits are hard to break. It takes time to make new habits, but the point is I see progress and am able to do some things I could never do before, thanks in large part to the TGM way:D
What I don't understand is that some time ago you were hitting the ball well - are you saying TGM has put you back where you were, or is this somewhere you've never been?
quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe

What I don't understand is that some time ago you were hitting the ball well - are you saying TGM has put you back where you were, or is this somewhere you've never been?
you do recall correctly. When I hit the ball well for a six month period, something like that, there were still some issues. When i hit the driver and irons long, and pretty accurate too, I had no game with full wedges or half wedges, I did not compress the ball well on these shots. My ballstriking was good but limited. For example my best score is a 74 and I hit 15 greens to get that. i did not understand how or why I was hitting it long nor did I have an understanding of what was going wrong or right. I was going to an instructor and he would say do this, I would do it without questioning but when it went south I had no clue how to get it back. Now I understand more, but of course not everything, and I understand what is lacking in my swing, and what has improved.
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