upright swing, shot shape tendencies
Question: Does an upright swing force a player into a natural left to right shot? Is it dangerous to try to hit draws from here?
I ask because I have made a few changes. I was trying to get a lower left arm at the top but I started thinking my lack of flexibility along with my swing DNA grooved for 20+ years makes that difficult. I took some video of some practice swings where my only thought was swing up the wall with a slightly flying right elbow and back down the wall and I liked the way it looked (which is always dangerous).
Anyway, I hit balls last week and was hitting some really pretty, high slight fades, then I started messing with some of the new release stuff, trying to get the bottom of the grip to swing really fast etc. I started hitting some really pretty, high draws that went FOREVER. A couple of days later those pretty high draws turned into high hooks that went FOREVER AND WAY LEFT. This morning I dropped the thought of doing anything with the handle at the bottom and went back to hitting high fades with a little less distance but really consistent. What could have caused the big hooks? Is that something that with this new pattern I should leave out?
EDIT: when I say "new release stuff" I meant from last parallel I was actively trying to pull up with the left hand/side and straighten the right wrist. Kind of a feeling of opposing forces to get the handle to rotate from last parallel before impact to first parallel after. Even after dropping that feeling I know that I'm not holding the right or left wrist at any particular angle.
Question: Does an upright swing force a player into a natural left to right shot? Is it dangerous to try to hit draws from here?
I ask because I have made a few changes. I was trying to get a lower left arm at the top but I started thinking my lack of flexibility along with my swing DNA grooved for 20+ years makes that difficult. I took some video of some practice swings where my only thought was swing up the wall with a slightly flying right elbow and back down the wall and I liked the way it looked (which is always dangerous).
Anyway, I hit balls last week and was hitting some really pretty, high slight fades, then I started messing with some of the new release stuff, trying to get the bottom of the grip to swing really fast etc. I started hitting some really pretty, high draws that went FOREVER. A couple of days later those pretty high draws turned into high hooks that went FOREVER AND WAY LEFT. This morning I dropped the thought of doing anything with the handle at the bottom and went back to hitting high fades with a little less distance but really consistent. What could have caused the big hooks? Is that something that with this new pattern I should leave out?
EDIT: when I say "new release stuff" I meant from last parallel I was actively trying to pull up with the left hand/side and straighten the right wrist. Kind of a feeling of opposing forces to get the handle to rotate from last parallel before impact to first parallel after. Even after dropping that feeling I know that I'm not holding the right or left wrist at any particular angle.
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