Upright swing?

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I can't remember who but a couple members last week mentioned that when their plane was a bit more upright they had a faster swingspeed. Well I was just swinging in the garage and remembered to try it so I pulled out the swingmate and checked with the driver. What I found was a quick 8-10 mph. Now my question, is it advisable to continue this and try to engrain this? Will it affect my impact positions? I've always heard that you want a shallow plane with the driver but after being on this site for a month I've learned that most things you hear are crap.Btw- I put a flashlite on the end of my grip tonight also and found that I was laid off on the backswing. Could that have put me in a bad position at the top which slowed my swing? Thanks

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Don't think "upright or flat."



Get a laser and attach it to the BUTT END of whatever club you are swinging. Then draw yourself a plane line. Then trace that line the entire backswing. On plane will feel very steep becuase you have probably been flat for so long. I know because i was there once and a few of my friends i fixed were there too.

Gooten Jim, JA.

Pointing at the Plane Line obviously simplifies it...esp. from a reference-point POV.....and endorsed by the man himself (HOMER).

12-1, 12-2....customize later....as per TGM.


I want to add tho that I actually hate doing that.....does not seem to suit me at all.....I like to be a little inside on the way back........but that's me. I just think it's important to add that you do have options when it's all said and done.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
First learn how to trace a straight plane line.

Then you can learn how to alter your "trace" to create different shots. I use a shoulder turn takeaway and am a double shift swing and i still trace a pretty damn straight plane line.
...I'd prolly agree....not a golf instructor so I don't know what works best with ppl generally.

But that sounds like a good approach....start simple....customize later (if you want).


I attach a soaked penbrush to the hosel and and see if the projected water track is parallel to the plane line after making a swing.

In terms of physics, I manage to keep the majority of water close to impact.
me and c21 had some discussion on this. Like Jim says, not upright or flat, on plane. When I am below plane going back, which for me means taking it to the inside to quickly, it is much harder to swing. Whne I am on plane, not inside, the swing is a lot easier, and MUCH faster.
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