The bit of the article i liked was the:
- "26 acres of turf has been removed. Only 450 of the 1150 irrigation heads on the golf course before the work now remain"
- "For a course of this stature to be embracing the fast, firm, open mantra so totally, with its consequent impact on environmental and economic sustainability, is the best news golf has received in many a year. Now it’s time for the rest of the industry to follow Pinehurst’s lead."
If they need to paint the grass green then it is sad... but that is something that will surely drop in the future... when sufficient time has passed for people to realise that grass is natural product with its own life cycle...
Golden (khaki for the less romantic) rough framing the green fairways merely accentuates the green of the emerald pathway leading to the hole...
Somethings are better left in their natural state..with just a little, careful avoid this: