Used to be a hooker

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Hi all,

This is my first post to this forum. I've enjoyed navigating around the site and reading the posts. Looking for some advice: I used to be a person who would draw the golf ball and was very happy with that shot. Since then I had developed a very bad hook/duck hook and couldn't for the life of me figure it out until the never hook again video. I was hitting the fade pretty well, but lost some distance. Was even hitting the occassional slice. I would like to get back to the draw again to gain some of the distance lost. Was wondering if the soft draw video might be the way to go to get back to hitting that shot. I have not seen the video, but was wondering if anyone had any thoughts or suggestions?


Buy it!

I hooked for years and know what you're going through. Coming from the inside produces power, but if you don't tumble, it's very hard to hit the clubface square and those toe hits are devastating to your mind. I've felt like I can't stop the hooks many, many, many times on the course. Such a lost feeling. However, I don't like the "weakness" of a fade. I can't hit a knuckle fade that well so I prefer the solid feel of a draw as well.
I used to hook a lot. Still hooking from time to time. I carry fade longer than my draw, I think it's due to higher ball flight.
The best way to practice is just try to hit all kinds of shots around the course. High, low, fade, draw, slice, hook.

When you are hitting a fade, you are still coming from the inside and still have tilt through impact. If you try to hit it over the top too much, it wont'd o any good. THe impact position should be pretty similar between a fade and a draw (body wise), just how the club face working through.
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