using right elbow to pull hands into impact

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Can someone explain to me about using the right elbow to pull the hands into impact? I read a post today in the archived pages that suggest this could be done. I tried it with good success just concentrating on taking the right elbow at the ball. My question is their any way to train in using this swing thought and is there any draw backs in doing it this way. When I do it solid contact and my right shoulder goes down the plane correctly with out forcing it to happen.
I call that "elbow controlled pivot", and you can do it. BUT, the right elbow moving into pitch position in a Swinging procedure should be an effect, not a cause of the right shoulder moving downplane. The correct sequence should be hips, shoulders, arms/hands. Making the hips and shoulders respond to the right elbow is a top-down inferior procedure.


What makes the elbow go into pitch position? My elbow seems to be left behind when turning my hips. Earlier right arm
fanning in the back swing seems to help a little bit, but not enough.

It's the shoulder turn/tilt which drops the elbow into the slot. The hip action kicks off the shoulder turn/tilt.



Thanks for your response. I video taped my self hitting some balls yesterday and realized some things of interest. 1) When I start down I have no access tilt. I do turn my hips but the spine from head to tail bone is straight up and down. I think this is why I come over the top. Every thing is just turning left. 2) When I focused on getting the elbow to the ball it was forcing me to have spin tilt. Tail bone ahead of neck bone at impact. Since discovering this I started to just concentrate on starting the down swing with bumping my tail bone to the target then the pivot just happens pulling the shoulder and arms down and into the ball. Like you said hip action kicks off every thing else. I will keep working and monitoring this and let you know how it goes.
quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe


It's the shoulder turn/tilt which drops the elbow into the slot. The hip action kicks off the shoulder turn/tilt.

Are there things the player can do at setup to influence correct hip action considering tendencies for initiating the move down? That is, with a natural tendency to start the downstroke with the hands, are there setup positions relative to weight on the front side and hip alignment relative to the plane line that can be helpful?

quote:Originally posted by DOCW3

quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe


It's the shoulder turn/tilt which drops the elbow into the slot. The hip action kicks off the shoulder turn/tilt.

Are there things the player can do at setup to influence correct hip action considering tendencies for initiating the move down? That is, with a natural tendency to start the downstroke with the hands, are there setup positions relative to weight on the front side and hip alignment relative to the plane line that can be helpful?


I hesitate to say this because of the hailstorm it may start, way to defeat that natural tendency of starting down with the hands is to get to the left side and concentrate on a brisk turn the hips while keeping the right shoulder back and trying to keep the hands as far from the ball as possible.


quote:Originally posted by timm

2) When I focused on getting the elbow to the ball it was forcing me to have spin tilt. Tail bone ahead of neck bone at impact.
Very nice "elbow intention-controlled-pivot", which is close to "hands-controlled-pivot".
quote: Since discovering this I started to just concentrate on starting the down swing with bumping my tail bone to the target then the pivot just happens pulling the shoulder and arms down and into the ball. Like you said hip action kicks off every thing else. I will keep working and monitoring this and let you know how it goes.
Back to "pivot intention-controlled-upper body".
My style is to wind up into a firm right side. Not to loose the weight on the inside of the right foot. Developing alot of tension in the legs, butt and back muscles. At the top that tension 'pops/bumps' the hips to the target and throws the right shoulder down. The hands do seem to hang 'up there'. I think that's because I can feel the hands going to the top but after the bump/axis tilt the body takes over and I'm just hangin' on.

Hope that helps.
Bump for an older thread! I used two swing thoughts today at the range. On the downswing, keep the right arm lower than the left and pull the right elbow into inside back quadrant of the ball. It worked like a champ as long as I kept the hips moving!

I know that the hips would normally do this automatically for most, but not for me.
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