Verdict on 'Joe PGA Pro' old faithfuls

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What do the guys here think of these drills.... Ive placed the most common ones I can think of.

1 Feet Together Drill

2 Towel under the arms Drill

3 Step in Drill

4 R.Foot back drill

5 Preset Drill (per leadbetter)

6 Pump it Drill

7 Sweep away the second ball (takeaway) Drill

8 Ball under right foot Drill

9 Club in the Navel (Takeaway) Drill

10 $£5 Note on the grip Drill (Grip Maintainance) Drill


What do the guys here think of these drills.... Ive placed the most common ones I can think of.

1 Feet Together Drill - useful for teaching balance

2 Towel under the arms Drill - useful for 'lifters' who don't turn the lead shoulder behind the ball

3 Step in Drill - one of the better drills to get folks learning the right feels of the swinging club and the body motion, especially for those who reverse pivot

4 R.Foot back drill - can be good, if on right toe, teaches balance and keeps shoulders from opening too soon

5 Preset Drill (per leadbetter) - I've never been a fan of this one, as it is too easy to 'roll', can be good if the Dante move is taught, better to preset 'up' in front of you and move that unit straight back, teaches keeping the clubhead in front/outside the hands

6 Pump it Drill - OK as a 'keep the shoulders from opening' drill and getting the hands and body to turn through together, requires supervision (same as preset, too much lift/roll can make this harmful)

7 Sweep away the second ball (takeaway) Drill - useful for 'lifters', better to use headcover under lead armpit drill, can be good using lasers when teaching extensor action and tracing the plane

8 Ball under right foot Drill - one of the best

9 Club in the Navel (Takeaway) Drill - good for those that 'lift and roll' to get a general feel of proper moves, can be too 'rigid'

10 $£5 Note on the grip Drill (Grip Maintainance) Drill - describe?

My personal favorites are the
split grip drill,
Venturi drill,
eyes closed with two clubs,
eyes closed with a club in each hand,
and right\left hand only chip shots
step through drills - lift left on backswing, right on finish, in balance
ball under right foot
Any drill that teaches taking a divot
club throwing

And the most useful: Hold your finish until the ball stops, staying in balance

For tempo - Alex Morrison's - hum 'rockabye baby'
Austin's clock for teaching hip motion can also be a powerful drill, especially when combined with split grip drill


You forgot the "toe-up to toe-up" chipping drill.

"Okay, now take it back and get that toe pointing to the sky. Good. Now swing through and release the clubhead so the toe is pointing up again at waist high in the follow through..."


quote:10 $£5 Note on the grip Drill (Grip Maintainance) Drill - describe?

Its mean't to help people from letting loose the right hand at the top of the backswing by wrapping it around the grip and stopping it unfold...
Drills are pretty much a waste of time if you use TGM.
You should be thinking along the lines of "How can I achieve and repeat a precision impact?"
1: Eyes fixed on ball (stationary head from start to finish)
2: On plane Right Arm pick up
3: Lag the clubhead into impact.

You could teach an 7 year old to do #1 and #2.

#3 has to be acquired through feel/practice short chips to a full swing.


I think drills are needed at some point by most people, once a correct habit is obtained, then the drill might not be needed or only used very little for maintence.

For instance, most know to swing onplane, but yet most dont, either OTT or under the plane.
Most know flat lead wrist, but still tend to break down.

The pivot kills lots of people, so some type of pivot practice is needed.
quote:Originally posted by brianman


If you teach the swing wrong, you will need every one of those "drills."

Homer talking to a Master class said, that he had just one or two drills in the book. He wanted the AIs to "dream up" whatever they needed to teach, that was their job.
But visual aids, like Ben's plastic bottles and towels, or Yoda's dowels and hinge hardware reinforce the mechanics, you don't drill with them. Yoda had one drill in his last workshop, more like a warm-up. I never saw Ben teach a drill in all the tapes I have seen. Teach proper mechanics of 12-1-0 and 12-2-0 and it all grooves in place. Teach the stroke as one movement and you will "feel, feel, feel" more then any band-aid drill could ever do.
Well, most of us (90% or better), have sub-obtimal swings.....accordingly, some drills (tailered to the individual) are GREAT....assuming they do in fact match what is MOST needed from the student at the time.

And, there are some "typical" bad swing motions that players posesses;

Reverse pivots
No lag
Bad weight shift
little to no extension
poor tempo/balance

Sooooo, there are some "standard" drills that do in fact match the typical players swing motion mishaps. Drills are great when properly matched and applied.
my point in a nutshell is:

Acquire 12-1-0 and/or 12-2-0 and "typical" bad swing motions that players possess like Swaying, Reverse pivots, No lag, Bad weight shift, little to no extension, and poor tempo/balance won't even exist. If they don't exist then no drill is needed.

If you never believe another word I say, just believe this: learn one of the basic stroke patterns and you will never do any of those "typical" bad swing motions again. And without drills.

This is one of the reasons the top brass of the PGA is so frighten of TGM. TGM empowers golfers to correct themselves. Like psychology, instructors and shrinks can never fully cure their customer- bad for business.
Drills are good for having an intention and learning how it should feel when done correctly. But doing a drill when the action is already proper may not always be productive. However, I believe it is always best if the intention is attempted during a FULL swing so that no other "feel" will be aquired that is incorrect. I won't let a student do a drill more than 3 times in a row for this very reason.
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